Balanced Scorecard Basics

“No better way to execute strategy than using the balanced scorecard!”
Performance management is key to make all organizations successful because it is based on how strategy is executed. Therefore, with the aim to improve your understanding about Balanced Scorecard, how to use the Nine Steps to Success Framework and how it is a powerful performance management tool, Balanced Scorecard Institute based in North Carolina, USA held a free webinar on 14th December 2017. The topic of the webinar was: “Balanced Scorecard What It Is and Why So Many Organizations Have One”.
This 30+ minutes webinar was presented by David Wisley, BSI Chief Operating Officer, and it is a must watch for all managers and executives in charge of strategy, performance measurement and analysis within organizations.
We now present the video of the webinar for those interested in learning about the Nine Steps to Success Framework of Balanced Scorecard and as a refresher course for all Balanced Scorecard Professionals.