Central Securities Depository (GH) Ltd

CSD wanted to implement balanced scorecard as its strategic management system and approached BSWA to assist with development of Strategic Plan, 2020 – 2024, based on balanced scorecard Framework.
- Ran Balanced Scorecard intro training for 14 project team members and heads of departments
- Conducted external situation analysis, including Ghana financial sector analysis, structured discussions with key external stakeholders – depository participants, Ghana Stock Exchange, Securities & Exchange Commission, etc. and internal situation analysis including staff survey and identified key planning issues.
- Worked with in-house Project Team to review and revalidate the CSD’s strategic foundation elements including mission, vision, customer value proposition, strategy canvas and facilitated strategy formulation, i.e., the strategic themes
- Worked with in-house strategic theme teams to develop theme scorecards which were later consolidated as the Enterprise Strategy (Tier 1)
- Cascaded the Tier 1 strategy to 6 departments
- Facilitated development of SMART Objective Scorecards for 32 employees of the